

Finally, I'm back.Today is my DAD's Birthday.Dad Happy Birthday^^.Yay, holidays coming but then I think my school holidays will be very boring T.T I hope something fun will be happening, I don't want my life always normal,I want a amazing life! Today, woke up at 12.30pm because yesterday went to Grandma's house,then first thing that I did today is on my Laptop and of course facebook again...
After that, haiz~ got to do my KUMON homework (everyday KUMON KUMON...).Then go to English Tuition actually today i went there and doing nothing.The teacher talking about non-sense..(wasting my time).When I came back from the tuition i feel headache (OMG) ang vomiting...at night,i skipped my KUMON tuition.
My dad asked me i want to buy new phone or not? But i did not answered him..because i don't feel like talking...Bye that's all for today! See ya!

